Sunday, October 7, 2012

7.10.2012 - exploring Shibuya on my day off.

Slept in until 9, which is as late as I can sleep in now apparently.

Showered, it was one of those awesome showers where you just feel so epically clean afterwards.

Ate an apple & a toasted pumpkin bagel with peanut butter for breakfast, surprisingly good flavour combination there.

Decided to go explore Shibuya for the afternoon.

On the way to the Farmer's Market I stopped and watched this dance group for a while, they were pretty outstanding! The photos really don't do them justice at all, you need video for this sort of thing I do believe.

Walked around the market, got a vegan whole wheat cranberry and candied ginger muffin which was one of the best things I've ever eaten.

it may not look like much, but good gracious everyone in the world but me was missing out.

And Loving Hut had a truck there today! It's a vegan restaurant (which is apparently international, though I'd never heard of be before moving here.) in Shinjuku, though not especially close to me.
Anyway, got the 'Tomato Sauce Burger' from them which was so good! I really want to go to their actual location and try other things. It was cheap-ish, too.

there was a mushroom based burger somewhere beneath all that sauce.

Then I walked around, when into heaps of stores and tried things on.

pearl cat ear headband? may have almost bought this too.

It was one of those days where I was ready to really spend some money and buy myself cool japanese clothes but nothing really truly caught my fancy except a floor length gold lamé dress. Which I can almost guarantee I will go buy within the next week.
I can't stop thinking about it!

Also almost bought some shoes, ridiculous pink high heels. Might get them too, still.
I feel like I can't truly say I live in Tokyo until I spend a day in heels higher than 4 inches.

Then I went and sat at the Starbucks that looks over Shibuya Crossing, the busiest cross walk in the world, for a while.
I was kind of at the very edge of it though, these photos do not do it justice.
I need to go back and get a photo from the place where you can really get a sense of how massive the square is and how many people there are.

the cross walk goes on for a fair bit, on the left side of thus photo.

dusk is perfect for shots like this,
and they're even better from a higher vantage point.

Came back here, I'm going to make myself some dinner and then go to bed nice and early since I have to get up at about 5 so I have plenty of time to get to Hombu to watch the dan tests and see what they're like.

all in all it's be a spiffing day off, totally relaxing. I didn't even check the time from the moment I left my house until I came home, just wandered.
It was really what I needed.


have a good day and a pleasant tomorrow, all!


    Loving Hut is my favorite restaurant in any country-- I went in Paris and they took fantastic care of me with all my allergies and the food was delicious and everything was great. There are TWO in Worcester, but I have yet to go.

    1. This is Brenna Levitin, by the way. I don't know why it didn't use my name as my ID.
