Thursday, April 26, 2012

When this is posted, I will be on a plane crossing the Atlantic on the way to the old world.
As part of my  goal to post more I'll be queuing  posts to keep a slightly more regular schedule.

One of my new years resolutions this fine year was to finally put a stop to biting my nails, for good. I managed to stop for the two months I was in Australia last year, but then restarted the habit once I got home. Since, for now, I am not working in a kitchen I wanted to fully enjoy long nails and delightful varnishes!
Here are a few 'manicures' I've given myself in 2012. Please excuse my horrid cuticles and red skin around my nail. I'm having a little more trouble discontinuing picking at them and actually letting them grow in so I can properly deal with them. I'm working on it, but I suppose it's hard to give up all ones nervous habits at once, no?

Sally Hansen InstaDri 'Brisk Blue'

Sephora for OPI 'Break A Leg-Warmer'

Nicole by OPI 'Disco Dolls'

Mattésse NYC 'Neon Thunderbolt' with a matte topcoat.

GOSH 'Avant Garde' (this is one of my three favourite varnishes ever)

Revlon 'Plum Attraction'

Sally Hansen InstaDri 'Co-Bolt Blue'

Revlon ColorStay 'Red Carpet' (this is another my my top three)

GOSH ' Silky Mint'

Nail Polish by H&M 'Silver'

The only one from my 3 favourite varnishes is Essie 'Meet Me At Sunset'.
It's the most charming orange, red enough to not be yellow at all but still a true orange. I'm sure it's going to be my go-to colour for the summer months!

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