firstly, I can't figure out how this is underlined or make it go away. But to my frustration. And so yours as well I'm sure.
Anyway! I was away from the 19th of September to the 8th of October at camp! Not Back to School Camp to be exact. A lovely, two week long camp for home/unschoolers in Vermont. I also spend 5 days in a ski resort with 40 of the people from said camp, plus a few others who visited. I wrote in my journal every day I was away, and fully intend to make a post about it. With photos (I took over two thousand over the 3 weeks) and stuff from the journal. But, I, clearly, haven't typed any of that up yet. But since I leave for Australia in less than 3 months I wanted to get back into the swing of blogging before I leave, so, I thought I'd post these photos. They're all taken with my Nikonos-V, a fixed focus, waterproof camera from the early 80's. The first one was taken last November and the latest was taken in September of this year. I currently have a bunch in the shop waiting for me to pick up & an almost full roll in my camera.
Mum, November 2009.
Magnus, in an art supply store, February 2010
we almost got kicked out for doing this, even though we were oh so careful and put everything away.